
Club Policies
State Policies
Air Quality Guidelines
Anaphylaxis Severe Allergic Reaction Guidelines
Blood Guidelines
Behavioural Guidelines
Code of Conduct
Working with Children Check Policy
Personal Protection and Intervention Policy
LAA National Child Protection Policy
Taking and Using Images of Children Guidelines
Risk Management Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Safe Handling of Food for Sale Guidelines
Safe Use and Storage of Starting Pistols and Caps Guidelines
Manual Handling Guidelines
Smoke Free Policy
Social Media Policy
Sexual Harassment Policy
Drug Policy
Alcohol Policy
Complaint Handling Guidelines
Anti-Bullying Guidelines
Gender Identity Policy
Sun Protection Policy
Lightning and Thunder Policy
Hot Weather Policy
What do you do at Little Athletics?
Little Athletics is a family sport and the weekly meetings are called club nights. All athletes require a parent, carer, or responsible adult to remain on site and take part with them. Family members help and participate in whatever capacity they can each week. (Training and support are provided). One of the mottos of Little A’s is Family, Fun and Fitness. Little A’s is intended as a chance to spend time together with your children and for everyone to meet new friends. 

On club nights athletes generally participate in two track and two field events. We use a four-week rotation roster meaning athletes do all their available events at least once every four weeks. Track events are the running races. Field events mean Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, etc. Club nights generally finish by 6:30pm but can be later. There is no exact finish time. We cannot predict how long each event will take. Some athletes leave earlier if they have had enough (especially if they have Tiny Tots with them) or if they have other commitments, that is completely fine. Some families stay till the very end to get some extra practice and coaching in and then help pack up. 

Little Athletics Centres and club nights are run entirely by volunteers and cannot exist without the active involvement of all the parents and carers. We thank you for your ongoing support.

What is Tiny Tots?

For Children aged between 3-5 years our centre offers a modified program called Tiny Tots. The Tiny Tots program delivers skills-based games focused on the fundamental skills of running, jumping and throwing through age-appropriate activities. (No real javelins or shot puts.)

Tiny Tots requires a lot of active parent participation and is a great chance to do something fun with your child. It’s intended to be play based and relatively unstructured. Games include activities such as running and jumping over rope ladders, mini hurdles, hoops, balance beams, throwing and catching bean bags or playing with the big parachute. Tiny Tots also do the 50m and 70m sprint and long jump. Athletes don’t start discus or shot put until U6s, Hurdles in U8s, High Jump in U9s, Triple Jump and Javelin in U11.

What happens in the case of bad weather?
Bad weather includes thunder and lighting, wet weather, hot and humid weather and at times dusty/smoky and excessively windy conditions. If a club night is cancelled members receive an email and/or text message using the contact details supplied when you registered your child. We also put this information on our Facebook page. We try to give due notice for cancellations but sometimes the weather changes quickly; we try not to cancel too prematurely for the same reason. This is one of the many reasons LANSW insist a parent or caregiver always remain on site. Sometimes Council closes the grounds to preserve them; sometimes it is the committee who decide to cancel club night for everyone’s safety and wellbeing. LANSW have weather policies to help inform our decisions. These are available in the policy section.
Who do I talk to about sponsorship?
Our President is the best person to discuss your ideas with or hear about our available options. We have some great sponsors already but are always keen to discuss additional opportunities big and small. There are many ways sponsors can get involved with our club including cash donations, physical support, goods in kind or a combination. Sponsorship can be one off, short term or longer term. Get in touch to start a conversation today! Email: [email protected]
How are Age Champions awarded each season?
All registered athletes receive a point for each event they participate in on club nights and an additional point for every new personals best (PB) they achieve. The athlete with the most points at the end of the season is awarded age champion. Athletes are also awarded one point for breaking a club record or participating at carnivals.
When are the Committee meetings?
The committee meets at 5:30pm on the 1st Thursday of every month at the Tolland Bistro. Meetings usually take about 1-1.5hours. All club members are welcome to attend. We’d love to hear your ideas or feedback. NOTE: The date sometimes changes during school holidays. Email [email protected] or [email protected] for confirmation or further details.